Body Positivity Week


Lauren Jacobbe, a senior member of Peer Team, elaborated on her original program from last year called Inside Out Day, and coordinated an ENTIRE week focused on body positivity and self confidence. The second annual Inside Out Day took place at the end of this week!

Monday: Compliment yourself day! Post it notes were stuck on all the lockers with positive reinforcements like "I am enough," "I am worthy," and "I am strong."

Tuesday: A day to challenge yourself to unfollow the people on social media that make you feel bad. 

Wednesday: Appreciation from the inside- a day to look at yourself from within and be proud of your accomplishments

Thursday: Appreciation from the outside- a day to look at your body and be thankful for what it allows you to do.

Friday: Inside Out Day - A day to wear your clothes inside out to support positive body images - as we turn around our clothes we can work to turn around our insecurities and work to accept that we are all beautiful inside and out!

Have a concern? Reach us on the "Contact Us" page or come talk to us during block 2 in room C132! 
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